
& Child


Human Design is a system for understanding who you are - your challenges and strengths, who you are at your core, and what your purpose in life is. It's a combination of Astrology, the I Ching, the Chakra system, the Kabbalah, and Quantum physics.

It might sound very mystical, but it's actually a very functional system. After a reading, you'll take away specific actions that will make your life and your parenting easier.

So often you do things because you've been taught they're the 'right' thing to do, or because others have certain expectations of you...

But what if the way you habitually do things isn't the most effective way for your unique Design?

What would it be like if you...

...knew how to make decisions you wouldn't regret

...knew when your emotions were leading you in the right direction, and when they were leading you astray

...could communicate with your child so that they actually listened

...and knew how to guide your child to become the person they were meant to be

A Mother and Child Human Design Reading Gives You the Secrets to...

  • Why your child wears you out when other moms seem to have lots of energy
  • Why your child can't seem to remember a few simple instructions
  • Why it feels like no one ever listens to you
  • Why some things are so easy for your child, and others so difficult
  • Why your child sometimes gets tired easily, but at other times has lots of energy ...

You want answers...

You'll leave this Human Design reading knowing why you and your child are so different, and how to understand each other better.

You'll gift your child with your ability to see them as they truly are, underneath the misbehavior, defiance, or stubbornness.

And you'll see yourself in a different light, too. You'll understand and accept the importance of caring for your own needs - for you and your child.

What You Get

  • 1:1 meeting over Zoom for 60 minutes where you'll receive detailed insight into you & your child: your personalities, core needs, fundamental characteristics & how to connect with each other in the easiest ways
  • Recording of the meeting delivered to your inbox within 24 hours
  • Notes from the reading and downloadable guides delivered within 24 hours
  • Email support after the session for any questions you have

Ready for Your Design Secrets?

Mother & 1 Child Reading

This reading is for you and one child.

After payment is received you'll receive a link to schedule the reading. You'll then have the opportunity to enter birth information for you and your child so I can get ready to deliver your reading.

Want a reading for more than one child or still have questions?

Please click the button below if you'd like a reading for yourself and multiple children. You'll be taken to a contact form where you can give me more information about how many children you have & their ages. I'll get back to you with more information.

I'm also happy to answer any questions you have. Thank you!

I can't wait for you to discover the energy blueprints for you and your child!